
Hard Rock’s Fortune Cookie

StatusNot For Sale
SirePeruvian El Gris
DamCookies and Cream of M & M


Fortune Cookie is a very correct El Gris girl. She has produced for us several beautifully colored crias. Every year it is a surprise what she will give us. To date she has produced 8 females and 2 males all of great quality conformation and fiber. Our favorite combination has been Fortune Cookie bred to Campaign. This combination has produced 3 spectacular females that look like blue merle collies! Fortune Cookie can and will go through every gate and fence on the property. She is one of the smartest llamas I’ve ever encountered. Because of this ‘trick’ it is difficult to have her bred to the male of our choice. In the fall of 2009 she gave birth to a correct young guy that was quite the surprise at the end of November! He had to be bloodtyped as she had chosen her suitor! In 2011 she gave birth to a large reverse appy gal by Commander in Chief. Fortune Cookie rebred herself for 2012 and delivered the first baby of the year… a paint male. My bet is its an Icon boy, but only the DNA test will tell! For 2013 she was due in April… April came and went so once again that means she tricked us and bred herself… a baby girl was born… the baby daddy.. unknown. Fortune Cookie has given us a sharp little gal for 2014. She has had a super cute young female by Tapa San in 2015 and a sharp Campaign boy in fall of 2016.  She was rebred to Hard Rock’s Phast Track for fall of 2017 and has given us a sharp little girl, which is likely her last.  For years we kept Fortune Cookie bred b/c she would breed herself if we didn’t get around to it.  After Bittersweet Fortune she quit slipping through to the male pen.  I think she knew that at 18 it was time to retire herself.  She still looks and acts great and still manages to cross pastures and open nearly any gate she wants, but she is done breeding.